National Qualification System (NQS)

​​​​​​"The National Qualification System (NQS) is a process that strengthens the Resource Management component of the National Incident Management System (NIMS). The purpose of the NQS Implementation Objectives is to provide specific benchmarks and example activities for organizations and jurisdictions to use when implementing NQS and when discussing NQS implementation with their partners and other jurisdictions. The objectives help to bring organizational qualification procedures, certification programs and credentialing standards in alignment with the NIMS Guideline for the National Qualification System. Beginning in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, FEMA plans to leverage the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program to make the implementation of the National Qualification System a requirement for EMPG funding." (Source: FAQ, National Qualification System Process)



The overall goal of NQS in West Virginia is to enhance statewide preparedness by ensuring emergency management personnel are held to the same standards for training and qualifications, thus increasing interoperability between all jurisdictions. The West Virginia Emergency Management Division (WVEMD), in coordination with local emergency management entities, will accomplish this goal through completion of training, completion of Position Task Books, and issuance of credentials to all personnel whose completed applications​ were reviewed and approved by the WVEMD Qualification Review Board.


WVEMD Task Books

All WVEMD task books are aligned with WVEMD State EOC functions and were developed with the FEMA EOC Skillsets.​​

Operations Branch
​Situational Awareness Section
Planning Support Section
​SEOC Director
Operations Branch Director
​Situational Awareness Section Chief
Planning Support Section Chief
Administration Unit
Operations Specialist
Situational Awareness Specialist
Planning Support Specialist
Area Liaison
Transportation Specialist
​Technical Specialist (GIS)
Documentation Unit
​Technical Specialist (IT)
​Liaison Officer
Logistics Branch
​Finance Admin Branch
Public Information Officer
​Logistics Branch Director
Finance Admin Branch Director
​Recovery Representative
​​​​​​​Logistics Specialist
Finance Admin Specialist


FEMA Task Books

All FEMA task books are listed in the Resource Typing Library Tool (RTLT). To view the fillable PDF version of a FEMA task book, click on the corresponding "View PDF" link.

FEMA PTB (1.1).png

To view required training for a task book, click on the task book, then the link next to "Position Type." Scroll down until you see "Training."

FEMA PTB (4).png


WVEMD Qualification Review Board

The WVEMD Qualification Review Board is a panel consisting of WVEMD staff, a representative appointed by the West Virginia Emergency Management Council​ (WVEMC), and an ad hoc member. The WVEMD Qualification Review Board is the governing body for NQS in West Virginia and makes decisions on NQS policies and proc​edures, reviews applications following task book completions, and ratifies the issuance ot credentials.

Current WVEMD QRB Members

  • Lonnie Bryson (WVEMD, Chief of Preparedness & Response)
  • Brent Burger (WVEMD, State Training Officer)
  • Kyle Pajarito (WVEMD, State NQS Coordinator)
  • John Hoffman (WVEMC Representative)
  • Ad Hoc Member


External Links & Other Resources


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kyle Pajarito (State NQS Coordinator) at

Last Updated: January 2025