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Emergency Management Performance Grant
provides resources to assist state and local governments in preparing for all threats and hazards through the
sustainment of an emergency management enterprise. The federal government, through the EMPG Program, provides direction, coordination, guidance, and assistance to support a comprehensive emergency preparedness system.
Stafford Act
authorizes FEMA to make grants for the purpose of providing a system of emergency preparedness for the protection of life and property in the United States and to vest responsibility for emergency preparedness jointly in the federal government, states, and their political subdivisions.
The EMPG program will provide federal funds to assist state and local emergency management agencies to obtain the resources required to support the National Preparedness Goal mission areas and core capabilities.
For more
on the EMPG program, contact
Nick Rhodes
at 304-558-5380 or
West Virg
inia's priorities for the FY 22 EMPG funding are:
Implementing the Community Lifelines policy and construct;
Improving our Logistics & Distribution Management capability by developing procedures, assigning, and training personnel, building partnerships, acquiring equipment and supplies, identifying warehouses, staging areas, and points of distribution, and exercising the new procedures, personnel and sites; and
Sustaining the WVEMD organizational capacity by improving the operational and administrative abilities of the emergency management enterprise in West Virginia through an Incident management team, implementation of the National Qualification System, technology, administrative personnel, and partnerships with other state agencies.
Grant awards can:
Strengthen a state or community's emergency management governance structures.
Update specific emergency plans and complete the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA).
Design and conduct exercises that enable whole community stakeholders to examine and validate core capabilities and the plans needed to deliver these functions.
Provide training to address verified identified capabilities.
Initiate or achieve a whole community approach to emergency management.
Support the administrative and operational staff and maintenance costs in state and local emergency management agencies.