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2015-2015 Hazard Mitigation Funding Notice of Intent
2015-2015 Hazard Mitigation Funding Notice of Intent
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This page describes the Notice of Intent (NOI) Form for Calendar Year 2015 Hazard Mitigation Assistance funding opportunities provided by grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). We anticipate the opportunity to apply for funding from at least three different programs including the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant (PDM), Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA), and the Hazard Mitigation Grant (HMGP) Program. This form must be completed and returned to the address listed on the Notice of Intent no later than September 4, 2015 if you wish to apply for any of these mitigation funding opportunities. Your response by this date is necessary in order to provide us time to work with you on the development of one or more applications that we will have in hand to submit as the various program submission due dates arise.
All counties, incorporated municipalities and eligible non-profit organizations in West Virginia are eligible to apply for mitigation funding, but this has been a very competitive process in the past, and we do not expect it to be any different this year. Therefore, it is very important that your application be consistent with your community’s Hazard Mitigation Plan so we can demonstrate that the project you are putting forward for funding helps to accomplish the mitigation goals outlined in that plan.
Instead of having you complete a different application for each potential funding source, we will assist each interested community in the preparation of one or more basic applications using the format required for the majority of the programs. If a particular funding source requires a different format or unique information, then we will work with you to modify your basic application to meet that funding source’s requirements.
The State of West Virginia, in cooperation with FEMA Region III, believes these funds should be used to address those situations that increase community resilience. The following are the criteria FEMA uses to fund each program:
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) is a disaster derived source of funding that is available statewide on a competitive basis. The intent of the program is to lessen the impact of disasters particular to the disaster funding it. 15% of the cost of a disaster is allocated for HMGP to be used to make communities more resilient. Please see attached Mitigation Tri-Fold for ideas on the types of mitigation you can do.
FMA is a program funded under the National Flood Insurance Fund (NFIF) and is designed to lessen the impact of claims on the NFIF. Flood insurance and participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is a requirement to participate in this program. Funding for this program is on an annual basis.
FEMA will select eligible planning and project sub-applications in order of the agency’s priorities for the FY 2016 FMA Grant Program:
1st priority: Mitigation planning sub-applications consistent with 44 CFR Part 201 up to a maximum of$100,000 federal share per applicant
2nd priority: Projects that mitigate at least 50 percent of structures that meet definition part (b)(ii) of a Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) property: At least 2 separate NFIP claim payments have been made with the cumulative amount of such claims exceeding the market value of the insured structure
3rd priority: Project sub-applications that mitigate at least 50 percent of structures that meet the definition of a Repetitive Loss (RL) property: Have incurred flood-related damage on 2 occasions, in which the cost of the repair, on the average, equaled or exceeded 25 percent of the market value of the structure at the time of each such flood event
4th priority: Projects that mitigate at least 50 percent of structures meet definition part (b)(i) of a SRL property: 4 or more separate NFIP claims payments have been made with the amount of each claim exceeding $5,000, and with the cumulative amount of claims payments exceeding $20,000
5th priority: Projects that will reduce the risk profile in communities through mitigation of the largest number of contiguous NFIP-insured properties
FEMA will prioritize projects within the 2nd through 4th category above in order by the highest percentage of properties from 100 to 50 percent. If more than one project has the same percentage of properties that meet the definition, FEMA will prioritize projects by the largest number of properties to be mitigated that meet the definition. If necessary, FEMA will further prioritize projects by the highest FEMA-validated Benefit Cost Ratio.
Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program is a program to assist communities that would otherwise not have funding for mitigation activities through the HMGP or FMA sources. Funding for this program is on an annual basis.
FEMA will select eligible planning and project sub-applications in order of the agency’s priorities for the FY 2015 PDM Grant Program:
1st priority: Mitigation planning and project sub-applications up to $250,000 Federal share per states/territories/District of Columbia consistent with Section 203 (f) of the Stafford Act
2nd priority: Up to $5 million for mitigation planning and project sub-applications up to $250,000Federal share per tribal applicant
3rd priority: Mitigation planning sub-applications from applicants that do not have Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) available
4th priority: Non-flood hazard mitigation projects from applicants that do not have HMGP funds available
5th priority: Flood mitigation projects from applicants that do not have HMGP funds available
6th priority: Planning activities from applicants that have HMGP funds available
7th priority: Non-flood hazard mitigation projects from applicants that have HMGP funds available
8th priority: Flood mitigation projects from applicants that have HMGP funds available
FEMA will prioritize planning and project activities within the 3rd through 8th categories above in order by communities with the highest assessed Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) rating from a grade of 1 (exemplary commitment to building code enforcement) to 10. If necessary, FEMA will further prioritize projects by the highest FEMA-validated Benefit Cost Ratio.
The application process for hazard mitigation funding will be conducted in two (2) phases. The first phase involves the applicant completing the Notice of Intent (NOI) form. The Chief Executive Officer of the responsible governmental entity applying must submit the NOI form. The deadline, as previously noted, for submitting your Notice of Intent is September 4, 2015.
The second phase will involve a Project Officer from this office contacting you and providing you with any additional materials needed to complete the basic application package . The Project Officer will also determine what data gathering will be required to develop an accurate benefit-cost analysis and budget for the project. The assigned Project Officer will work with you to complete the most competitive application possible, and coordinate with you as the opportunities for funding become available. If your project is funded, then the Project Officer will work with you to complete the project in accordance with all relevant federal and state requirements.
If you choose to respond to this NOI, please provide contact information for the individual(s) who will be responsible for application development and project oversight so that we may provide training required for the application submission system as soon as possible.
Brian Penix
State Hazard Mitigation Officer
Mitigation Project Officer
Mitigation GIS
(304) 957-2572
FEMA Fact Sheet
Mitigation Tri Fold
Notice of Intent
FY 2015 PDM Fact Sheet