Training Calendar/Course Registration

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Course Registration

To register for a course through WVEMD, please visit the WVDMAPS ​CourseMill website or ​West Virginia Public Service Training​

West Virginia Public Service Training​ Registration

Go to:​   

If you don't have an account, click Register.

  • Under location, select the correct region of the hosted class.
    • Parkersburg: Calhoun, Gilmer, Jackson, Mason, Putnam, Roane, Wirt, Wood
    • Charleston: Boone, Cabell, Clay, Kanawha, Lincoln, Logan. Mingo, Wayne
  • Complete all the information.
    • WVOEMS number is not applicable if you don't have a WVOEMS account.
  • Verify account through the email you receive from PSTachio.
    • Once you have verified your account, the respective PST Regional Coordinator and Specialist will receive a notification to approve your account.
  • After your account has been approved, you need to log in using the email address and password you created.
  • Click Registration
  • Enter the course number provided to you for the respective course.
    • Ex. Parkersburg 21·XXX·05
    • Ex. Charleston 21-XXX-03
  • Press Enter after the course number is entered.
  • Click Register
    • You should be rerouted to your transcript.

**If you have taken PST courses but have never created an account or try to register and are prompted with “an account already exists for that username", contact your local PST for a password reset.

**Using the email address and password will allow you to review your transcript for all PST classes you have taken since July 2016, provided you have used the same email address for each region. If you have taken a class and received a certificate, but it doesn't show up on your transcript, contact the PST office for the area you took the course.

**If you are unable to log in, please contact Eva Godbey for a password reset. or (304) 766-0011 ext. 22.

​West Virginia Emergency Management Division Training Database (CourseMill)

The West Virginia DHSEM Homeland Security Training Database (through the West Virginia Military Affairs and Public Safety Training Center) consists of various types of specialized training programs funded through DHS/FEMA.  All trainings posted on this database will be facilitated through the offices of the State Administrative Agency (SAA) and the Emergency Management Division (EMD--formerly the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management or DHSEM).  This tool was designed to streamline the registration and tracking process.  

In order to register for Trainings, Confe​rences, Summits, or Exercises put on by EMD, you must register through the  training database.  Below are instructions on how to create an account and register.

Step 1:  Create New User

Click on “Create New User”.  You will be asked to fill in the necessary information to hold an account.  The User creates his/her own User ID and Password.   (You must list a physical address and email add​ress so that certificates, notifications, and updates can be mailed.)  Next, list your Jurisdiction, Discipline and Agency.  If you do not see your jurisdiction, discipline or agency, click “OTHER/NOT AVAILABLE”. *(Listed in alphabetical order)

Step 2:  Course Catalog

Once you have completed the account setup process, you can click on “Course Catalog” and find the desired Trainings, Conferences, Summits, and Exercises.  If you have found a Training, Conference, Summit, or Exercise that interests you, click on the “Green Icon”.  A window will pop up asking if you would like to enroll.  If you wish to register for the class, click on “Enroll”.  At that point, an email will be sent to the address you provided confirming your enrollment.


The system is email based.  Be sure to read any email (Technology Learning Center) that is generated from the database.  Notifications are sent if a class is cancelled, postponed, rescheduled or sends reminders if you have registered for a Training, Conference, Summit, or Exercise.

< February 2025 >
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