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1/20/19 WVDHSEM, WVNG Evening UPDATE Winter Storm Harper
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WVDHSEM, WVNG January 20 Evening Update
Winter Storm Harper
The West Virginia Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (WVDHSEM) and the West Virginia National Guard (WVNG) continue to monitor weather and operations throughout the state with reports from county emergency managers. While the weather event seems to be coming to an end, the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) and the WVDHSEM Watch Center are maintaining contact with county emergency managers overnight and the SEOC is prepared to fill needs as they arise.
As of 5:00 p.m., the SEOC has received situation reports from all counties in West Virginia. All county emergency operations centers are monitoring weather conditions, power outages, and the need for shelter due to extreme cold predicted overnight. No county or jurisdiction has unmet needs.
Hampshire County reports numerous power outages that are predicted to increase throughout the night. Emergency operations centers in Hampshire and surrounding counties are monitoring the need for shelters and the West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) is working to assist utility companies with restoration efforts.
The WVDOH reports no major issues and road treatment continues as needed overnight. Drivers are urged to use caution as temperatures will fall drastically throughout the night and wet roads will refreeze. All 10 Districts of the state are active and monitoring weather/road conditions, supporting utility restoration and operations for local law enforcement and response agencies while continuing to communicate with Departments of Transportation in surrounding states.
The WVDOH Transportation Management Center is utilizing the statewide message board system, WV511 Drivesafe app, and social media to keep the traveling public informed of current road conditions or any incident that could disrupt the transportation system. As of this report, there are no problems or outstanding issues. The WVDOH will stay in contact with the WVDHSEM Watch Center throughout the night to report any changes.
The entire state continues to be under various Winter Weather and Flooding Advisories, Watches, and Warnings. We urge individuals to monitor their weather situation via local television, radio, and news outlets, the National Weather Service and also by following WVDHSEM on social media at or for the most up-to-date information.
For more information, contact the West Virginia National Guard Public Affairs Office at: (304) 561-6762 or email:
or WVDHSEM PIO: Lora D. Lipscomb, Public Information Officer Office: (304) 558-5380 or at
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