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SBA Annouces Federal Disaster Loans Available
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SBA Federal Disaster Loans are available to businesses, nonprofits and residents in additional West Virginia counties affected by the severe storms, straight-line winds, flooding, landslides and mudslides occurring Feb. 15 -18, 2025.
The amended declaration covers the newly designated counties of Logan and Wayne, which are eligible to apply for both Physical damage loans and Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) from the SBA. SBA EIDLs are also now available to small businesses and private nonprofit (PNP) organizations in the adjacent counties of Cabell in West Virginia, Boyd and Lawrence in Kentucky, and Lawrence in Ohio.
Physical Damage and Economic Injury Loans
: available in Logan, McDowell, Mercer, Mingo, Wayne, and Wyoming.
Economic Injury Loans
are available in the contiguous West Virginia counties of: Boone, Cabell, Lincoln, Monroe, Raleigh, and Summers.
The filing deadline to return applications for physical property damage is April 28, 2025. The deadline to return economic injury applications is Nov. 26, 2025.
Download the Fact Sheet for the West Virginia Declaration for severe storm, straight-line winds, flooding, landslides and mudslides that occurred from February 15, 2025.
Download the Fact Sheet adding the counties of Logan and Wayne
Businesses and nonprofits are eligible to apply for business physical disaster loans and may borrow up to $2 million to repair or replace disaster-damaged or destroyed real estate, machinery and equipment, inventory, and other business assets.
Homeowners and renters are eligible to apply for home and personal property loans and may borrow up to $100,000 to replace or repair personal property, such as clothing, furniture, cars, and appliances. Homeowners may apply for up to $500,000 to replace or repair their primary residence.
Applicants may also be eligible for a loan increase of up to 20% of their physical damages, as verified by the SBA, for mitigation purposes. Eligible mitigation improvements include strengthening structures to protect against high wind damage, upgrading to wind rated garage doors, and installing a safe room or storm shelter to help protect property and occupants from future damage.
“One distinct advantage of SBA’s disaster loan program is the opportunity to fund upgrades reducing the risk of future storm damage,” said Chris Stallings, associate administrator of the Office of Disaster Recovery and Resilience at the SBA. “I encourage businesses and homeowners to work with contractors and mitigation professionals to improve their storm readiness while taking advantage of SBA’s mitigation loans.”
SBA’s EIDL program is available to eligible small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, nurseries, and PNPs impacted by financial losses directly related to this disaster.
The SBA is unable to provide disaster loans to agricultural producers, farmers, or ranchers, except for aquaculture enterprises.
EIDLs are for working capital needs caused by the disaster and are available even if the business or PNP did not suffer any physical damage. They may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills not paid due to the disaster.
Interest rates can be as low as 4% for small businesses, 3.625% for PNPs, and 2.563% for homeowners and renters, with terms up to 30 years. Interest does not begin to accrue, and payments are not due, until 12 months from the date of the first loan disbursement. The SBA sets loan amounts and terms, based on each applicant’s financial condition.
Disaster survivors should not wait to settle with their insurance company before applying for a disaster loan. If a survivor does not know how much of their loss will be covered by insurance or other sources, SBA can make a low-interest disaster loan for the total loss up to its loan limits, provided the borrower agrees to use insurance proceeds to reduce or repay the loan.
With the changes to FEMA’s Sequence of Delivery, survivors are now encouraged to simultaneously apply for FEMA grants and the SBA low-interest disaster loan assistance to fully recover. FEMA grants are intended to cover necessary expenses and serious needs not paid by insurance or other sources. The SBA disaster loan program is designed for your long-term recovery, to make you whole and get you back to your pre-disaster condition.
To apply online, visit Applicants may also call SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955 or email for more information on SBA disaster assistance. For people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services.
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Contact Information
Karen Knapik, SBA Contact,