The WV TAP Investigation of Tentatively Identified Compounds led by Eurofins


Dr. Andrew Whelton, Assistant Professor
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL USA
T: (251) 460-6174

Jeffrey Rosen, President
Corona Environmental Consulting, LLC
Scituate, MA USA
T: (781) 544-3255

Scituate, MA, May 21, 2014—WV TAP has released a much anticipated report that summarizes
the development of a sensitive analytical method for 4-MCHM and PPH and the investigation of
sources of additional peaks observed on chromatograms from samples collected as part of the
WVTAP 10 home study. The report is now available for download under the “TEST RESULTS”

The report was jointly authored by Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories Environmental, LLC. and
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc., and is entitled Assessment of Tentatively Identified Compounds
in Tap Water Following the January 9 Chemical Spill from Freedom Industries
Conclusions of this study include:

1. Numerous tentatively identified compounds observed in the samples analyzed in the
WVTAP 10 Home Study were created as a result of the reaction of the chlorine in the
treated water with;

a. Several surrogate standard compounds routinely used in 8270 analysis

b. One of the stabilizers used in the manufacture of methylene chloride, which is the
solvent of choice for most 8270 type analyses.

2. There is no evidence presented in the course of the analysis of the 10 home study water
samples, that indicates that during mid-February, more than 1 month after the spill,
crude MCHM contributed to the creation or presence of the observed tentatively
identified compounds. 

3. No breakdown compounds were found related to the MCHM spill that could be
measured when these samples were collected, at the detection levels attained in this
study (which were very low).

4. No evidence was found that the presence of chlorine in the samples interferes with the
analysis of 4-MCHM or PPH.

5. Future sampling should include adequate amounts of dechlorinating agents to minimize
the occurrence of tentatively identified compounds that are the result of reactions with

All WV TAP reports can be found at

Page Meta Data

WV TAP has released a much anticipated report that summarizes the development of a sensitive analytical method for 4-MCHM and PPH and the investigation of sources of additional peaks observed on chromatograms WV TAP has released a much anticipated report that summarizes the development of a sensitive analytical method for 4-MCHM and PPH and the investigation of sources of additional peaks observed on chromatograms